Advertising with Japan Zone - Ad specs
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What kind of ads can I run with Japan Zone?
There are several different options to choose from. You can go
with a simple button, a banner, an ad box,
or even have your own dedicated page on the site, which
gives you almost unlimited options (if you'd
like to use this page to run a special campaign or competition,
we'd be glad to help you organize it). With hundreds of pages
to choose from, you can target your advertising very specifically
or you can reach a broad audience - the choice is yours. You can
also make the most of the higher "click-thru" rates of
email advertising with a text ad in the widely read Japan
Zine newsletter.
1. Button
A simple button is an easy and cost-effective way to put your
brand on a page. The standard button size is 120x60 pixels. The
image can be animated and the file size can be up to 10K. You
can also have a medium-sized button (120x90 - 12K) or a square
button (120x120 - 15K). For examples, see Japan Zone buttons
in the left menu area. There is also a special button (up to 140x60
pixels) available only on Japan Zone main page.
2. Newsletter Ad
Recent studies have shown that ads carried in email have a
higher response rate than banners. And you can reach
the growing readership of Japan Zone's newsletter (over 7,000) at a very reasonable rate.
With a four-line advertisement (280 characters, about 50 words)
you can get a quite detailed message across to your prospective
customers. If your ad includes a clickable email address or URL,
that will be included as an extra line - at no extra cost!
3. Banner
Banner advertising is now quite standard across the internet,
and a well-designed banner is a great way to advertise, especially
when shown to a very targeted audience. The standard size is 468x60
pixels (see Japan Zone banner above). The image can be animated
and the file size can be up to 15K.
4. Ad Box
An ad box allows you to combine graphics and text to make the
most of your advertisement. Options include animated
graphics, links and forms for collecting data. You can use this
to collect information about possible customers such as their
name, email address etc. The ad box area is 140 pixels wide and
up to 200 pixels high. Without a graphic, that allows for about
75 words of text (see Japan Zone ad box in the left menu area).
5. Dedicated Page
With a dedicated page, there is almost no limit to the things
you can do. You can include any number of graphics (up to a
total of 50K to avoid loading delays), as much text as you
want (within reason - it is an advertisement after all!),
forms, quizzes, competitions, giveaway name it. This can allow you, for example, to
collect information
from prospective customers. The standard rate for this service
includes graphic preparation, text editing and installation and
testing of standard forms (for more complex coding requirements,
please contact us to discuss the details). You can send us the
code for a pre-formatted page or we can put one together for you.
The page can also be used in your promotional literature
( to give you an online
presence even if you can't host a similar page yourself.
And to ensure that your page gets lots of traffic, the dedicated
page comes as part of a package. You can combine the page with
up to three items from the above (any combination of buttons, newsletter
ads, banners and ad boxes) to bring people to your page from within
the site. We can also work with you to promote the page outside
the site to bring visitors from elswhere.
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