Daily Archives: October 15, 2003

Seiko and Akina Together At Last

Eternal rivals, Matsuda Seiko (41) and Nakamori Akina (38) are to appear on the same album for the first time. The 16-track album “Tears – Miss You” was compiled by music critic Tomisawa Isssei and includes one track each from the former idols. Both stars are well past their 1980s heyday but still have a loyal fanbase and an unquenchable thirst for the spotlight. The two divas share a reputation for bitchiness and vanity – think Diana Ross on a bad day.

• Popular rock group Mr. Children are to release their first new single in almost a year. It will be their first double-A side: “Te no Hira,” a ballad and “Kurumi,” a straight rock number. The group took a hiatus since last summer following the hospitalization of vocalist Sakurai Kazutoshi (33), who has since fully recovered. They are now recording an album and plan to take up touring, where they suddenly left off last year.