TV personality Hinagata Akiko (25) has separated from her TV-commercial director husband Yamamoto Kazuma (36). The couple married in 1999 and have a 3-year old daughter. Hinagata, who is with the Yellow Cab agency, known for its stable of busty starlets, was caught having an affair in 2001 and the couple’s marriage never recovered. She and her daughter are now living with her mother. Those of you who watch too much TV may have noticed Hinagata making more and more regular TV appearances after fading away following her marriage, a clear sign in such cases that someone has chosen career over family.
• Actress Kobayashi Chitose died on Wednesday of heart failure. She was 66. Born in Seoul, Korea, she made her name in dramas on the NHK network, including the famous series of the early 1980s “Oshin”.