Daily Archives: June 11, 2004

Mukai’s A Mad Mama

TV personality Mukai Aki (photo, 39) is furious at the Justice Ministry. Mukai recently became the mother of twin boys, born to a surrogate mother in the US. She and her husband, former pro wrestler Takada Nobuhiko (42), registered the birth at their city hall. The ministry publicly announced that they had rejected the registration, saying that only the woman who gave birth could be recognized as the mother. Mukai was shocked at how the announcement was made, without any prior notice that the ministry was going to reveal such a personal matter.

• It seems the rumored wedding between Chemistry’s Douchin Yoshikuni (25) and model Morita Atsuko (25) has already happened. Douchin’s agency reported that the couple tied the knot on the 1st of this month, after he gave the game away to fans at a concert on Wednesday night. It was also announced – surprise, surprise – that Morita is four months pregnant and has already quit her TV career.