Daily Archives: June 14, 2004

Kimutaku’s a Top Dad

Actor and singer Kimura Takuya (31) of SMAP topped a recent poll of “ideal fathers”. The poll was carried out for Father’s Day publicity by a firm that imports Parker pens, presumably the ideal gift for Dad. Of the 1,312 valid votes, Kimutaku took 406, far more than second place David Beckham.

• Another Takuya (33), this one the guitarist of the defunct rock group Judy and Mary, married a former top Kyoto geisha last Friday. Takeshige Miho (22) was known as Takachou and was popular as an entertainer for people in the political and financial worlds. She quit in April and the couple registered their marriage at the beginning of this month. Last week’s ceremony was held at the famous Heian Jingu shrine.