Actress Matsuyuki Yasuko (photo, 32) revealed on her official web site on Saturday that she and her husband, guitarist Gaku (39), have divorced after seven years of marriage. She said that the couple have both been busy with their careers and have been separated since last April. Matsuyuki retains custody of their 3-year old son.
• Another recent breakup was between actor Ishida Junichi (50) and model Hasegawa Rie (31). The pair decided over the Christmas holidays to end their relationship of over eight years, and Hasegawa confirmed the breakup to reporters at the weekend on her return from location in New Zealand. &$149; NHK has announced that it will no longer carry out its annual surveys of viewers favorite TV stars. The national broadcaster said that there are now enough private research companies providing such services. Comedian Akashiya Sanma has topped the male rankings for the last 6 years, while comedienne Hisamoto Masami has been No.1 for 3 years.