Daily Archives: January 19, 2005

An Angel Appeared

Singer songwriter Yoriko (20) has made her major label debut. She made her indie debut in 2002, and became known as much for the fact that she conquered cancer as a child as for her angelic voice. She took a year off when overwhelmed by her early success. With the new album “Cocoon” coming out on the Toshiba EMI label, more people will get to hear the voice that radio listeners have described as “life-affirming.”

• Yesterday, actress Sugita Kaoru (40) made her first public appearance since her marriage “shocked” the entertainment world last week. Elegantly dressed and wearing a 3-carat diamond wedding ring, she spoke to the media at a PR event for the upcoming movie “Lakeside Murder Case.” Her marriage to the wealthy Ayukawa Junta (44), a descendant of the founder of Nissan, has been described as a “tama nokoshi” wedding. The expression translates as “a palanquin set with jewels” and refers to a woman who marries into a fortune. With a history of broken hearts, alcoholism and huge debts, and an image of “the woman least likely to marry,” Sugita has certainly turned things around.