Daily Archives: March 14, 2005

Crowds Turn Out for Kobuhei

Some 145,000 people turned out to cheer popular traditional entertainer Hayashiya Kobuhei (42) during a 5-hour parade along the 7km route from Ueno to the downtown district of Asakusa in Tokyo. He will officially become the 9th Hayashiya Shouzou, the highest ‘rank’ in the rakugo ‘family,’ on the 21st of this month. The succession to such names in the traditional arts is a big deal. The Shouzou name dates back to the Edo Period but has been ‘vacant’ for the last 24 years. &3149; Rock band Glay played what should have been the last gig of their 4-dome tour, during which they played to a total of 200,000 fans, at Tokyo Dome on Sunday. The 3-and-a-half-hour featured 26 tunes, covering all the hits of their 10-year career. Due to technical problems, their shows at Osaka Dome were cancelled and will be played at the International Exhibition Center in Osaka this weekend.