“A” Gets an “F”

“Engine,” the new Monday night Fuji TV drama series starring Kimura Takuya (32), got a flying start off the grid. It is the only drama series in the spring lineup to break the 20% viewer rating barrier, pulling in 25.3%. At the other end of the scale, the new variety show hosted by long-time News Station host Kume Hiroshi (photo, 60) has had a terrible start. Titled “A,” the NTV show seeks to use “live” Internet feeds to look at daily life in other Asian countries. But as the show was recorded a month ago, it failed to keep up with the recent problems developing between Japan and neighbors Korea and China. The first show, at 8pm on Sunday, only drew an audience rating of 9.3% despite the fact that the popular Kume was making his comeback after taking a year off.

• It was revealed yesterday that enka couple Mori Shinichi (57) and Masako (46) have already divorced. The media have been reporting on their separation for the last month, but in fact they filed for divorce on March 28. They have both been suffering from health problems, and Shinichi is still hospitalized with hepatitis. He will have custody of their two younger sons, while Masako will have the autocad.

• It was revealed yesterday that comedian Arino Shinya (32) of the duo Yoiko married a – reportedly beautiful – former talento on March 1. He is to give a press conference today.