Aegis Set to Destroy Summer Competition

Production has finished on the big summer movie, “Boukoku no Aegis.” The movie, which features “Last Samurai” star Sanada Hiroyuki (photo, 44), Nakai Kiichi (43) and Sato Koichi (44), is based on a popular manga about terrorists taking control of a Maritime Self Defense Forces “Aegis” class destroyer. The Sakamoto Junji-directed flick is scheduled to open July 30.

• In town to promote multiple Oscar-winning movie “Million Dollar baby” are Hilary Swank (30) and Morgan Freeman (67), both of whom took awards for their roles in the Clint Eastwood boxing flick. They will attend the Japanese premier of the movie tonight in Tokyo. This is Swank’s first time in Japan, while it’s Freeman’s fourth visit. It’s rare these days for Hollywood stars to appear at the Japanese opening of their movies, and considering they are both Oscar winners, this is a rare treat indeed for local film fans. Both stars arrived directly from a stint as judges at the Cannes Film Festival. Presenting them with a bouquet at a PR event yesterday was young actress Kuriyama Chiaki (20), who appeared in the Tarantino movie “Kill Bill, Vol.1.”

• Silly Award Season: Actress Momoi Kaori (53) has been chosen as this year’s Miss Lily, given to the celebrity who most suits the white flower. Momoi will appear later this year in the Hollywood movie “Sayuri,” based on the bestseller “Memoirs of a Geisha.”