“Mister” fans have been welcoming the legendary baseball star back. Nagashima Shigeo is the most popular player ever to have graced the Japanese baseball world and his recent bout with illness had fans, especially Yomiuri Giants fans, pretty worried. He was hospitalized in the spring of 2004 following a stroke that left him with a slight temporary paralysis in the right side of his body. He finally made his first public appearance at a Giants-Hiroshima Carp game at the Tokyo Dome on Sunday. His appearance in a balcony seat was broadcast live on several TV networks. In the showbiz world, Giants fans have been singing his praises. Kabuki star Nakamura Kazaburo (50) and SMAP leader Nakai Masahiro (32) were among those expressing their undying admiration and support. As usual celebrity Tokumitsu Kazuo (64) couldn’t hold back the tears on seeing his old friend.
• Actress Nishida Naomi (33) is planning to get married sometime this month, according to a statement from her agency. Her fiancee is said to be in his 30’s but no name or occupation were given.
• Actress Sugita Kaoru (40) said on the Downtown-hosted show “Hey! Hey! Hey!” last night that she hasn’t seen her husband for three months (the couple only married six months ago!) She added that her husband, the extremely wealthy Ayukawa Junta (44) told her he didn’t want to see her face, kicked her out of his house and changed the locks. Rumors of a divorce have been rampant in the last couple of weeks. And there have been conflicting reports of one kicking the other several months ago while in a restaurant with friends.