O-tsukare, Yon-sama

Korean actor Bae Yong Joon (33) is still in the news, with his latest Japan trip coming to a close. Just as well, it would seem, as he appeared tired and a bit irritatable at last night’s press event for his latest movie, “Shigatsu no Yuki” (April Snow). More than 1,100 media people and 90 TV cameras turned up at the event, held at a central Tokyo hotel. This is way more than the 830 media who turned up for the Steven Spielberg/Tom Cruise press conference for “War of the Worlds.” In order to keep his throngs of Yon-sama’s female fans away, security was tight all day, with media people having to show both an invitation and a meishi (business card) to get in.

• Awards for the most beautiful legs in Japan went to actress/model Sato Eriko (23), talento Kanda Uno (30), and Pink Lady member Mii (47), one award for each decade. The awards were sponsored by shoe manufacturer Kuraray.

• “Seven Swords,” the Hong Kong movie that opened this week’s Venice Film Festival, is an homage to legendary director Kurosawa Akira. Director Tsui Hark (55) said he was honored to be able to dedicate the picture to Kurosawa on such a grand stage. Also showing was “Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.” For the second straight year, Square Enix showcased the production, though this time they showed the full feature in the out of competition category rather than last year’s short edit shown by special invitation in the digital movie category. Directed by Nomura Tetsuya (34), the film has been eagerly awaited by millions of FF fans worldwide. “FF VII: Advent Children” goes on sale in Japan on September 14.