Actress Adachi Yumi (24) and comedian Itoda Jun (32) got married yesterday, Adachi’s birthday. The newlyweds held a brief press conference to announce the news and also that Adachi is two months pregnant. She had just come out of a 3-year and somewhat controversial relationship, and rumors of marriage, with actor Kuroda Arthur, 20 years her senior. Itoda is one half of the popular manzai duo Speed Wagon. The couple started going out just five months ago after first meeting last December. Adachi and Kuroda finally split up in March, the main reason assumed to be his reluctance to get married. Kuroda sent his congratulations to the new couple through his management agency.
• Actor Odagiri Jo (26) is to take over as the latest narrator of the TBS show “Sekai Issan” (World Heritage Sites). Current narrator Terao Akira (58) will do his last show on October 2. Odagiri will take over the following week, on a show about Rapa Nui national Park on Easter Island. The show is consistently one of the best things on Japanese TV, with superb camerawork and soundtrack music always capturing the magic and mystery of the world’s most beautiful and histrically important sites. Though it airs late on Sunday nights, it averages a very respectable 5.6% audience rating for the time slot. Odagiri will be the show’s third narrator, after Terao and Ogata Naoto (36), who was with the show when it started in 1996.
• Actress Tsuchiya Anna (21) has been chosen as this year’s “Best Leathernist.” One of many pointless awards, it is given to the celebrity who looks best in leather. Tsuchiya was chosen for her style, which she has kept despite the fact that she became a mother just last November.