Daily Archives: April 14, 2006

Ken Puts Pen to Paper

Hollywood actor Watanabe Ken (46) has written his first book. The contents of “Dare? – Who Am I?” are based on a diary he kept while filming “Ashita no Kioku” (Tomorrow’s Memories), which is due to open on May 13. He is also executive producer of the film, in which he plays a man who develops early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease. Following a battle with leukemia that struck at the peak of his career in 1989 and ultimately led to his divorce last year, the last few years have seen a resurgence in both his private life and his career. He got re-married to the actress Minami Kaho (42) last December and has had appearances in a series of Hollywood movies, including “The Last Samurai”, “Batman Begins” and “Memoirs of a Geisha”. He set out to write the diary as a journey of self discovery. “When I found out I had leukemia, it was almost too much to comprehend and I think I bottled up my feelings of pain and sadness. But slowly over time I began to realize the need to let out those pent up feelings. The desire to make this film came from the deepest recesses of my heart.” The publication date of the new book has yet to be announced.

• Freelance announcer Fukuzawa Akira (42) lost 7 kilos when he found out he would be hosting the new TBS health/variety show “Piikan Badi!” (P-kan Body!). “I’m back to the weight I was at when I first joined NTV as an announcer. This show has given me a whole new outlook.” The show will be co-hosted by talento and model Rinka (32).