Actress Adachi Yumi (24) got a couple of surprises yesterday. One was her mother, 48-year old Adachi Yuri (photo), announcing her book of nude photos, including so called “hair nudes” which show pubic hair. The book, titled “Myself”, will go on sale on May 29. The “stage mama”, who has been by her daughter’s side since she debuted as a child actress, says she didn’t inform her of this latest career move. Yumi may have been taken by surprise by that announcement, but the revelation that her husband, comedian Itoda Jun (33), was recently spotted at a hotel with his ex-girlfriend must have come as more of a shock. The story appears in this week’s edition of the gossip magazine Friday, which photographed Itoda and a 24-year old actress named only as N entering a hotel on April 3, just nine days before Adachi gave birth to their first child. Itoda’s agency released a statement saying his ex-girlfriend had met with him simply to talk and that he had already told his wife about the meeting. But a friend of the couple says that Yumi was more than a little displeased about the whole thing.
• Singer/songwriter Yoriko (21) has been hospitalized due acute abdominal pains. She has been forced to postpone a five-date national tour that was scheduled to start on April 28. She made her debut in 2002, and has a history of cancer from her childhood.
• The work of actor Yakusho Koji (50) will be in competition at cannes yet again this year. “Babel”, in which he appears with Brad Pitt (42), has been entered for the Palm D’Or, the main prize at the cannes International Film Festival. It’s the fourth time for Yakusho to be in the spotlight at Cannes, following the nomination of “Unagi” (1997), “Yuriika” (2000) and “Akai Hashi no Shita no Nurui Mizu” (2001). The movie will be screened on May 23 and the winner of the Palm D’Or will be announced on the last day of the festival, which runs until May 28.