A Rude Awakening

The recent early-morning test launch of a missile by North Korea caused NHK to alter its broadcast schedule abruptly for the first time since the Great Hanshin Earthquake 11 years ago. NHK had the scoop on the story over the other networks by about 15 minutes and broke into its live coverage of the World Cup semi-final between Germany-Italy. During the second half, coverage of the soccer game was switched to the NHK Education channel. The daily morning drama was dropped for the first time since January 1995, as was its scheduled afternoon re-run and much of the day’s programming. The missile itself is said to have failed about 40 minutes after launch and posed no threat to Japan. But the fact that it was launched at all has considerably raised tensions in the region.

Johnny’s Jimusho band KAT-TUN member Kamenashi Kazuya (photo, 20) romances an older woman, played by Ito Misaki (29), in the highly anticipated upcoming Fuji TV drama series “Sapuri”. At a PR event yesterday, the media were expressly forbidden to ask any questions about Kamenashi’s rumored real-life romance with former idol singer Koizumi Kyoko (photo, 40). Some reporters tried to subtly tie it into questions about how he prepared for the TV romance with an older woman, but they were simply ignored. The series will air from July 10 at 9pm on Mondays, the hottest time slot for dramas.

• Singer/actress Tsuchiya Anna (22) and model Joshua (23) have divorced, it was revealed yesterday. They married in June 2004 and had a son the following November. Tsuchiya will have custody of the child. Joshua is the younger brother of talento Kozue Rin (26).

• Baseball legend Oh Sadaharu (66) has been forced to take a break from his duties as manager of the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks to undergo surgery for a tumor in his stomach. Among the celebrities wishing him well was enka singer Yashiro Aki (55), a long-time close friend to whom Oh gave the bat he used to hit his world-record 846th home run.