A minor fire broke out Saturday on the set of “Oh-Oku”, the movie adaptation of the popular Fuji TV series. Ten fire engines were called to Toei’s Kyoto studios, but no injuries or major damage were reported. The fire is said to have been started by a lighting fixture. The movie stars Nakama Yukie (photo, 26) as one of the battling wives and lovers behind the warlords of Edo Castle and the story is an extension of the series which ran at the end of 2005. Nakama is a new addition to the cast, which sees the return of veteran actresses including Matsushita Yuki, Asano Yuko and Takashima Reiko, and also includes a whopping 31 female Fuji TV announcers. Directed by Hayashi Toru, the film is scheduled for release on December 23, the Emperor‘s birthday and a national holiday. There have been five TV series over the years, dating back to the first in 1968.
Official movie website (Japanese)
• Actor Oshio Manabu (28) was spotted out on a dinner date with young pin-up girl Nagasaki Rina (19). Photographers from women’s weekly magazine Josei Seven spotted the pair at the end of September having dinner and leaving the restaurant together in Oshio’s Ferrari.
• Comedian Ogi Hiroaki (35) revealed on Friday that he recently married the daughter of folk singer Moriyama Ryoko (58). Ogi announced on the live TBS show “Ogi Yahagi no Megane-Biiki” that he and musician Moriyama Naho (34) registered their marriage on October 10. They plan to hold a wedding ceremony and reception. Naho is also the elder sister of singer songwriter Moriyama Naotaro (30).
• The Tokyo office of My Promotion Inc, the agency that represents theater director Ningagawa Yukio and actor Tsutsui Michitaka among others, was recently burglarized. Five computers and over ¥2 million in cash were stolen.