Singer Matsuda Seiko (45) is to make her first TV drama appearance in two years. Matsuda took part in filming of the Fuji TV drama “Hanazakari no Kimitachi e” in a Tokyo suburban location yesterday. Based on a hugely popular girl’s manga of the same name about a boarding school for handsome boys, the drama will air on Tuesday nights from July 3. Matsuda plays the school principal, while the main roles are students Sano Izumi (played by Oguri Shun,22), Ashiya Mizuki (Horikita Maki, 18) and Nakatsu Shuuichi (Ikuta Touma, 22). Mizuki is a student returnee from the U.S. who falls for Sano and dresses as a boy to be close to him, while Nakatsu falls for Mizuki without realizing she is a girl (it all sounds a bit like that Blur song “Girls & Boys”!). The story ran in the “Hana to Yume” manga from 1996 to 2004, and as a separate 23-volume series it sold over 13 million copies. A TV drama adaptation became the biggest Mandarin-language hit of 2006 in Taiwan.