Singer/actress Tsuchiya Anna is the latest Japanese star aiming to go global. Her upcoming international tour is being touted as the “first world tour by a Japanese female singer”. Starting June 30 in Los Angeles, the 12-show tour will take in Korea, Taiwan and finish in Tokyo on September 1. By my count, that’s only four countries. And she isn’t even really going it alone, as she’ll be appearing during festivals and events such as the “Anime Expo Ax 2007” in L.A. and Summer Sonic at home. A bit more impressive is the fact that a CD/DVD release of her greatest hits album will go on sale in 42 mostly European countries, a record for a Japanese artist. It will be in stores from July 4. Her popularity in Europe comes mainly from her theme song to the anime series “Nana” and an appearance at an anime expo in Paris last July. In France, she is called the “Japanese Madonna”. Her next single, a double-A-side “Bubble Trip/Sweet Sweet Song” (jacket above) is due for release on August 1.