Actor Uchino Masaaki (39) and former top Takarazuka star Ichiro Maki (42) held their wedding reception at a historical Tokyo restaurant yesterday. Helping them celebrate was their 1-year-old daughter Rio, and the guest list included a host of theatrical and TV celebrities. The couple first started dating when working together on the stage musical “Elizabeth” in 2000. They announced their engagement in May 2006 and registered their marriage the following July. Ichiro left the all-female theatrical troupe in 1996 and has performed on stages around the world. She and Uchino met when they played together in the musical “Elizabeth” in 2000. Ichiro appeared in the 1997 NHK taiga historical drama, while Uchino is playing the lead role of medieval warrior Yamamoto Kansuke in this year’s production, “Fuurinkazan”. His busy schedule working on the series was the main reason for the delay in holding their reception. The event was held at the Ogasawara Hakushaku-tei, a 75-year-old Spanish villa-style addition to what was the home of the Count Ogasawara in the Edo Period.