Okamura Yasuyuki in Drug Arrest

Okamura YasuyukiRock musician Okamura Yasuyuki (42) is the latest celebrity in a recent string of drug arrests. The arrest, his third for drugs, was announced yesterday on his official website. The singer-songwriter made his debut in 1986 and has released some 25 singles. His best-known hits, such as “Ikenai Koto Kai” and “Daisukji” date from the late 1980s. He plays several instruments and has also worked as a producer. Renowned for his vibrant live performances, he says he considers himself a Japanese version of Prince. He was first arrested for drugs in 2002, and while on probation in April 2005 he was arrested again when drug tests proved positive. He admitted he had shot up in a Shibuya record store several days before and he was given an 18-month prison sentence. He started a nationwide tour last October but injured his left calf during a show in November. The tour was due to restart with three concerts scheduled for later this month, but all are now canceled and Okamura’s fan club has been disbanded.

• The next Hollywood project for actor Watanabe Ken (48) was announced yesterday. He’ll be heading to China next month to start filming on “Shanghai”, directed by Mikael Hafstrom. Set on the night before the start of the Pacific War, the movie also stars John Cusack (41) and Gong Li (42). Watanabe will be busy over the next few months – he is also filming the children’s vampire flick “Cirque du Freak” with Salma Hayek and John C. Reilly.

• Sony Computer Entertainment has announced the first in its new “Playstation3 The Best” series of software titles. The five re-released titles, which go on sale March 19 for ¥3,800 each, are: “Ridge Racer 7”, “FolksSoul – Ushinawareta Densho”, “Resistance – Jinrui Botsuraku no Hi”, “Ninja Gaiden Σ”, and “Kidou Senshi Gundam – Target in Sight.”

• Enka singer Mori Masako (49) made her return to work yesterday. After being hospitalized last September with acute pneumonia, she was back on stage for the first time to sing “Ettou Tsubame” in a regular NHK kayou (ballad) concert. She will re-start her national tour on February 22 in Tokyo.