Daily Archives: February 15, 2008

Roseanna’s Tearful Apology

RoseannaTalento Roseanna (57) gave a tearful press conference yesterday to apologize for the recent drug arrest of her son. Bowing deeply to reporters and TV cameras, she said she has no desire to see her son and is thinking of disinheriting him. Kato Raimon (29) was arrested on February 3 for possession of marijuana. He got married five years ago and has a 4-year-old son. But following his divorce last July he moved back to the family home, also shared by his sister Marion (26) and her family. It was a late-night quarrel between Raimon and Marion’s husband that led the police to visit the house, which in turn led to the arrest. Roseanna said yesterday that she always believed her late husband Hide (1942-90) was by her side, but couldn’t understand why he didn’t stop their son’s wayward behavior. Last night she performed at a scheduled concert, telling the audience she wanted to “forget about family matters”, but she has canceled a concert in July to mark her 40th anniversary as a singer. She and Hide were a very popular folk duo in the 1970s.

• Talento Yamada Mariya (27) and actor Kusano Toru (40) tied the knot on Valentine’s Day. They went to a Tokyo city office together to register their marriage. They will make their first TV appearance as a married couple of the Fuji TV “Sanma no Manma” variety show tonight.

• Actress Kuriyama Chiaki (23) has made the gossip magazines for the first time. According to today’s issue of “Friday”, she is romantically involved with actor Koshinaka Makoto (27), former vocalist of the defunct visual-kei rock band Λucifer.  She was spotted visiting his Tokyo apartment earlier in the month. Her agency says she is taking guitar and vocal lessons and has made many musician friends recently, but denies any deeper relationship between the two. Kuriyama made her name as Gogo Yubari in Quentin Tarantino’s “Kill Bill Vol.1” in 2003, and has since established herself as an actress and model. Λucifer (or Lucifer) was formed in 1999 based around the manga “Kaikan Phrase”, with the band members taking their names from the manga’s characters. They released three albums and nine singles before breaking up in January 2003.