Daily Archives: May 1, 2008

Jack Nicholson Turns On the Charm in Tokyo

Jack Nicholson in TokyoHollywood legend Jack Nicholson (71) turned on the old school charm yesterday in Tokyo. In town to promote his latest movie, “The Bucket List,” he hammed it up for the cameras during a PR event at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo hotel. The movie, directed by Rob Reiner, is about two elderly terminal cancer patients (Nicholson and Morgan Freeman) who share a hospital room and decide to write a list of things to do before they die. Nicholson’s billionaire character pays for a final big trip that takes the pair sky-diving, to the Pyramids, the Taj Mahal, and a safari in Africa (…but not to Japan). The promotional visit is Nicholson’s fourth time in Japan but the first in 14 years. Throwing kisses to fans, he said that top among his remaining goals in life was “one last big love.” Asked what had been the best kiss of his life he just gave that famous grin and said “So many!” Though Nicholson and Freeman have several Oscars between them, their on-screen collaboration has received generally poor reviews.

• Musician-producer Tsunku (39) is the father of twins. He announced yesterday that his wife Kanako (27) gave birth to a boy and a girl on April 29. Tsunku is the Svengali-like man behind the Hello! project and groups such as Morning Musume.