“London Hearts” has done it for the sixth year in a row. The TV Asahi variety show has been chosen yet again by parents nationwide as the TV program they are most unlikely to let their children watch. The show they are most keen to have their kids watch is NTV’s education-themed variety show “Sekai-ichi Uketai Jugyo.” The results of the survey are published annually by the Japan National PTA Association. Respondents are allowed to choose two TV shows for each category. 11% chose London Hearts, while 9% chose another perennial nemesis, the anime “Crayon Shinchan.” The third-worst show was deemed to be Fuji TV’s comedy “Shimura Ken no Bakatono-sama,” selected by 5% of parents. Common reasons given included “the content is ridiculous” and “the language is crude.” Among the shows getting parental approval, “Sekai-ichi…” was chosen by 8%, followed by TBS’s animal-themed “Dobutsu Kisotengai” with 5%. Naturally enough the most common reason given was that they help children with their academic studies. The standard format for London Hearts is a panel of female celebrities creating and commenting on rankings of each other’s less admirable qualities, such as who would make the worst girlfriend or who is likely to be unfaithful. The show is hosted by popular comedy duo London Boots No.1 No.2 (profile).
Daily Archives: May 13, 2009
Old Timers Find Love Through the Law
Lawyer and TV commentator Kawakami Kazuo (76) is married to singer Chiba Hiroko (61), according to the weekly magazine “Shuukan Shincho.” The magazine says the couple have been married since 2007. Kawakami’s first wife died of a brain hemorrhage in 2002. Kawakami is a Tokyo University graduate and a former public prosecutor at the special investigation department of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor’s Office. While in that job, he was involved in investigating the infamous Lockheed scandal that rocked Japanese politics in 1976. He served for two years in the late 1980s as director of the Justice Ministry’s bureau of corrections and was renowned as one of the country’s top investigators until his retirement in 1991. He continues to run a law firm in Ginza, central Tokyo. Chiba, who made her singing debut in 1971, is known for such hits as “Orizuru” but also for her volunteer work at prisons and reform schools. The magazine has speculated that the couple’s romance was born out of their common interests. Kawakami’s office refused to comment.
• Doctors have ordered singer Utada Hikaru (26, profile) to take a break from her promotional work in the U.S. She was diagnosed with an acute peritonsillar infection, affecting her neck and throat, and was told not to travel or speak for at least two weeks. Her second album in the U.S. “This Is The One” went on sale yesterday and Utada was scheduled to appear in stores all across the country, from New York to Honolulu. She apologized to fans on her blog and said that the condition affects her once or twice a year, caused when exhaustion weakens her immune system. Yesterday’s issue of the weekly magazine “Josei Jishin” said they spotted her at a hospital in Tokyo last week, but a spokesperson for the singer said that was just for a routine checkup.