As actor Oshio Manabu (31) was released on bail yesterday, the media was critical of both his attitude and his dress sense. Though he has only been charged with drug use, his case involves the death of the woman with whom he took the drugs, so he is expected to show a degree of remorse in keeping with the gravity of the case. But when he left the Mita police station yesterday evening, he was casually dressed in a plaid shirt, khaki pants and – shock! – sandals. He bowed deeply and gave a brief statement of apology to the assembled reporters, but refused to answer any questions before being bundled into a waiting car. That car then led dozens of reporters and paparazzi on a 4-hour, 110km “chase” through the streets and expressways of the capital. It wasn’t until the car arrived at the home of Oshio’s lawyer that reporters confirmed that Oshio had been the person who hopped out at Kotake-mukaihara station and taken the subway.
Earlier stories:
Oshio Manabu Faces Drug Arrest (Aug. 4, 2009)
Yada Akiko Divorces Oshio Manabu (Aug. 8, 2009)
• It’s hardly a surprise that the latest single from SMAP (profile) is yet another No.1. “Sotto, Kyutto/Superstar” has sold 105,000 copies in its first week of release, helped by its tie-in with the Kusanagi Tsuyoshi Fuji TV drama series “Jinkyo Helper.” It’s the group’s 11th consecutive chart topper since “Freebird” in May 2002, and their 22nd in all. All 44 of their single releases have made the Top 10, tying for the record with J-pop queen Hamasaki Ayumi (30).