Leo-Sama in Tokyo for Inception Premiere

Inception Japan Premiere

Actor Watanabe Ken (50) was joined by his new BFF, Hollywood superstar Leonardo Dicaprio (35), in Tokyo yesterday at the local premiere of Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi blockbuster “Inception.” About 2,00 fans turned out for the event, held at the Roppongi Hills Arena in the center of the capital. It’s only been a few months since “Leo-sama” was here promoting “Shutter Island,” and the climax of Inception was filmed here last year.

As he has been doing at all events for the latest movie, Dicaprio referred to Watanabe as a Japanese “treasure.” The local boy demured, saying, “It’s not just me. This movie is like the World Cup, with treasures from many different countries.” The movie, which has a diverse international cast, opens in theaters here on July 23.