Popular young actor Mizushima Hiro (26) is giving it all up to be a writer, according to the Sankei Sports newspaper. Mizushima’s former management at Kenon Group acknowledged the report, saying that he had quit the agency. They said his interest in novels and other forms of writing was something he had made known for some time. Mizushima started working as a model while a student at the prestigious Keio University in Tokyo. His breakthrough as an actor came when he landed the lead role in the action hero TV series “Kamen Rider Kabuto.” He most recently worked on the manga adaptation movie “Beck,” which is scheduled for release this month.
Kenon also represents Mizushima’s wife, singer Ayaka (22). Though she is on an extended sabbatical as she battles with Graves’ disease, her husband’s decision doesn’t affect her existing contract. The couple tied the knot in February of 2009.
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