The numerical date of February 2nd can be referred to as “fu-fu” in Japanese, which also means a married couple. And as yesterday was an auspicious “taian” day on the traditional Japanese calendar, it was a particularly good day to get married. But still, management for actor Hosokawa Shigeki (39, photo left) and former Shape Up Girl Mise Mamiko (41, photo center) took the media totally by surprise when they announced that the pair had tied the knot yesterday. They registered their marriage at a Tokyo municipal office and Mise announced the news yesterday evening on her blog.
The two are said to have been friends for about 15 years and met when Hosokawa was working mainly as a model. His break as an actor came in 2005 when he landed the starring role as the “Kamen Rider Hibiki” action hero. In addition to his acting, Hosokawa is known for his interest in home appliances, and his new bride is said to share that hobby. Romance blossomed between them about a year ago and Hosokawa proposed last autumn. The Shape Up Girls were a group of four shapely pin-up models who worked the variety show circuit, usually wearing bikinis, in the mid-1990s.
Also getting hitched yesterday was talento Horikoshi Nori (photo right), for whom the occasion was even more auspicious as it was her 29th birthday. She met with reporters at the offices of her Hori Pro management agency and showed them a hand-drawn caricature of her 41-year-old husband, an esthetic dentist. The couple plan to hold a wedding ceremony in the summer. Horikoshi is perhaps best known for her terrible cooking on the show “Ai no Apron” a few years ago.