Management for Suzuki Ryohei (28) announced yesterday that the actor has tied the knot with an older woman. The announcement said that his new bride is an employee of an Internet company in Tokyo, and that she is currently six months pregnant. The couple are already living together in the capital and held a wedding ceremony and reception on July 24. Suzuki is said to have met his new bride through a mutual friend about six years ago. He is currently appearing in the Fuji TV Monday 9pm prime time drama “Zenkai Girl” alongside star Aragaki Yui (23), in which he plays a stay-at-home father.
Suzuki is something of a language expert. An English language major, he also won a German language speech contest while in high school. Standing 186cm tall, he started out as a model and became Japan’s first male swimsuit campaign model before switching to acting full time. He is with the major Hori Pro management agency.