Comeback Kids

Tashiro Masahi (photo, 47) has denied that he has plans for a showbiz comeback, though he is appearing as an occasional guest in a local theater production starring boxer-turned-actor Guts Ishimatsu (54). The comedian and actor was convicted for drug and “peeping tom” offences last year. The afternoon “wide shows” film an occasional report on his activities but have so far decided it’s too son after his conviction to give him airtime.

• Actor Takashima Tadao (73) has made a comeback after 5 years out of showbusiness due to depression. A veteran of over 50 years in movies and father of popular actor brothers Takashima Masahiro (37) and Masanobu (36), he made a brief appearance at an event at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel yesterday and will appear on an NHK quiz show next month.