Young Stars Bring Their Dads Along

Jackie Chan, Will Smith, Stevie Wonder, Mumtaz Morris

Some young stars in Tokyo this week, with their high profile dads in tow. Hollywood big shot Will Smith (41) was in town with the whole family, though it was actually his son Jaden (12) who was working. He and co-star Jackie Chan are promoting their remake of “The Karate Kid” and attended the Japan premiere at the Roppongi Hills complex in central Tokyo last night. At the Roppongi Hills Arena, they appeared on stage for about 2,000 fans. The movie will be released here, like the 1984 original, with the title “Best Kid” on August 14.

Also appearing for fans yesterday was Stevie Wonder (60), and he too brought his son along. He is celebrating his 50th year in the music business, while son Mumtaz (25) is a highly regarded R&B/hip-hop artist/producer/singer. Stevie is scheduled to perform at the Summer Sonic music festival this weekend, and is also promoting his new album “Love, Harmony & Eternity,” which went on sale here on Wednesday.