Kashiwabara, Hatano to Wed?

Actor Kashiwabara Takashi (27) and former TV personality Hatano Hiroko (photo, 28) are said to be on the verge of getting hitched. Their parents were recently seen dining together, a common sign that nuptials are being planned. The couple met while appearing together in the TBS drama “Koi no Kamisama” four years ago. Hatano retired from showbusiness a year and a half ago, the first sign of an impending marriage. They are currently living together in Tokyo.

• Actress Sugita Kaoru (39) is to release a cover of her own 1981 hit “Tori no Uta”, her first new single in 23 years. Sugita has been a variety show regular over the last couple of years, her “selling point” being her image as a straight-talking woman who’s fond of a drink, and destined never to find true love. She started her acting career at the tender age of 8 and had her breakthrough at 15 on the hugely popular TV series “3-nen B-kumi Kimpachi Sensei”.