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Acne, which in dermatology is called acne vulgaris.
One of the most common skin diseases, which affects up to 85% of people from 12 to 25 years old, and 11% – over 25 years old, is a social problem in society. The word “acne” itself comes from the Greek word “top”, and acne as papulo-pustular elements on the face was first described in medicine by Etius, the personal physician of Emperor Justinian. This disease occurs in various forms and with varying degrees of severity of clinical manifestations. Very often, people suffering from this disease do not attach due importance to this problem: they do not turn to dermatologists on time, start treatment late, and someone even thinks that no one can help them in any way and they are forced to “hide” their face and the body, avoiding free communication with colleagues and friends, they develop huge complexes, which can be resolved by working not only with a dermatologist, but also with a psychologist. Long existing forms of acne are more difficult and take longer to treat, and deep forms leave, without the necessary treatment, scars for a long time. But there is a solution to this urgent problem.
Acne on the face
Acne is the most common problem in adolescents and young adults. How many tears were shed because of a popped pimple and dates were disrupted! And the number of marks and scars remaining on young faces due to improper treatment cannot be counted at all.
Back acne
The most common cause of back acne is lack of hygiene and poor hygiene. To solve this problem, you should take a bath or shower more often, and pay special attention to this area. After massage with a washcloth and shower gel, wipe your back with salicylic acid, alcohol or calendula decoction.
Another reason is various allergic reactions to cosmetic products. Additionally, clothing can cause acne. In this case, you will have to change your makeup and buy new lingerie. However, get tested to check all internal organs.
Acne can be caused by hormonal imbalance, dysbiosis, sexual dysfunctions, in order to find out what exactly was the cause, you should visit a doctor.
Acne is often the cause of bad habits or irregular eating habits. Alcohol, smoking, fatty and spicy foods increase the amount of toxins in the body, which are eliminated through the pores. If traditional treatments don’t work, you should see a dermatologist. Remember that hygiene, cosmetics and clothing are especially important in this case. It is also recommended to drink plenty of fluids to speed up your metabolism.
The skin contains sebaceous glands that produce a substance called sebum. Through the excretory ducts, it enters the hair follicle, and then to the surface. Its role is important – it is both protection from external influences, and maintenance of the elasticity and bactericidal properties of the skin. But if the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, processes occur that lead to the appearance of acne.
On the one hand, too much sebum is produced, and on the other hand, it becomes difficult for its outflow as a result of narrowing of the hair follicle mouth. Sebum and horny scales of the skin accumulate in the blocked duct – comedones (or acne) are formed. They are closed, located under the skin (these are white comedones) and open (in the form of black dots).
Against the background of excess production and impaired outflow of sebum, bacteria begin to multiply, which live in the skin of almost everyone. Local inflammation develops, and pustules form – pimples of red color, which are pus-filled vesicles or dense subcutaneous nodules.
Scientists cannot say this yet, but it is reliably known that genetic and hormonal factors contribute to the disease. Acne (or acne, acne) mainly affects adolescents and young people precisely because serious hormonal changes occur during puberty. Both boys and girls begin to produce male sex hormones – androgens. They increase the activity of the sebaceous glands and enhance the multiplication of horny skin cells, from which plugs are formed in the follicle mouths. But this is not the case for everyone. Due to the individual characteristics of the sensitivity of the hormonal receptors of the skin, some adolescents develop acne, while others do not.
Heredity matters. If at least one parent has acne, children are more likely to develop acne. By the age of 20-25, they usually disappear, but in some they persist for almost their entire life.
Excessive intake of certain medications (bromine, iodine, bismuth, vitamins B6 and B12, anti-tuberculosis drugs, etc.), stress, as well as smoking can worsen the course of the disease – smokers are more likely to have more severe forms of the disease. In girls, acne may appear several days before the onset of menstruation.
In people who are prone to acne, all oily creams provoke the development of acne. They clog the pores and further interfere with the flow of sebum. The most comedogenic agents are those containing coconut and almond oil, lauryl sulfate, oleic acid, isopropyl, isostearyl. Look for the mark “non-comedogenic” on all skin products, including sunscreens and makeup. And be sure to remove your makeup at night, thoroughly cleansing the skin.
Don’t pop the pimples yourself. If the infection gets into the wound, it will develop even more inflammation and affect the adjacent areas of the skin. Healing will be slower and scarring will appear. Start treatment as early as possible. This reduces the risk of scarring that can be difficult to remove later. Consult a dermatologist. He will determine the type of acne, the severity of the disease, and, accordingly, the treatment you need.
It can be:
- external agents applied directly to the skin in the form of an ointment, gel or lotion
- Accutane medicines taken by mouth
- laser therapy, cryotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, peeling, etc.
Sometimes you have to combine several treatments at the same time. In any case, the effect often becomes noticeable only after a few weeks.
Treatment for acne in adolescents
We are overly familiar with the topic of this problem of the younger generation – acne. Acne is also often called adolescent acne, because it appears exactly when our children are barely entering this age. They cannot be overcome at once, but it is very real to start, especially if you do not start the treatment of rosacea.
Acne on the face – what to do?
Acne should never be squeezed out or combed. Preventing acne will require constant and long-term involvement. If you have acne on your face, you can start preventing acne by wiping your face with 2.5 percent hydrogen peroxide solution every day. This remedy kills the bacteria that cause the presence of acne, just remember to use it strictly according to the instructions of a dermatologist. You also need to know that if you have oily skin, you do not need to use a moisturizer, because it will lead to acne and acne in children appear even faster.
Acne on the face
Acne in children: is there a drug salvation?
If you go to a dermatologist to eliminate acne of your children, you are probably most worried about the fact whether the drugs prescribed for you can be so effective and effective for prevention to help the child help?
If your child has previously washed his skin with soap and products that act as a scrub, then it may be worth reviewing the washing stage itself, because his skin will be more pleasant if they begin to pay special attention to it and select hygiene products by skin type, and not due to advertising or just banal laziness. If a child has skin problems, acne, he needs a mild product to cleanse the skin, and if the skin seems dry after that, then it is also a very light product to moisturize it. All other skin care products can only cause acne, because they overload our skin and clog pores.
Treatments for acne in adolescents in summer
In summer, special care is needed for acne-prone skin. After all, acne can take even from the fact that your child touches the face too often with his hands, as well as if his face sweats.
It must also be remembered that the same iodine can cause severe rashes on the skin. There is a lot of it in those products that we eat every day, for example, in seafood, in addition, many vitamins contain excessive iodine content.
Glycolic acid is often used to treat acne in adolescents. Glycolic acid helps to make the skin not susceptible to acne breakouts. It removes all impurities from your skin. Glycolic acid helps to remove lifeless skin cells and free pores from impurities. The pores appear to be much smaller in size because they have been freed from the dirt.
Acne treatment in adolescents
Are you still upset if kids have acne? Let’s look at it from the other side. If your child develops acne on his face, this means that his skin will not fade quickly, will not dry out, because the skin that produces a lot of sebum is prone to acne, which means that it is quite active. Look at acne in children a little more optimistic and ironic: they inhibit the aging process and in 20-30 years the child will not have acne problems, but also there will be no problems with rapidly aging skin.
Teens with problem skin
Very often there are people next to us, especially teenagers, with problem skin! What happens to the skin of adolescents? During puberty, the structure of the skin changes significantly. There is an increase in pores and the release of more fat. Dust and dirt, getting on these grease secretions, mixes with them and form blackheads, which clog the pores and expand them even more. This leads to the entry of bacteria into the inner layers of the skin and the occurrence of an infection, or so-called acne. Because of this problem, teenagers feel quite uncomfortable. After all, the face is always in sight and must be constantly looked after. And teenagers, especially girls, pay attention to their appearance with great preference. The appearance of blackheads and acne does not give them rest and they touch them all the time and try to squeeze them out.
From the age of 15 this problem began to torment me. And what have I not tried – and the masks are different, scrubs and gels, cleansers, for which I spent a lot of money, but I never got the result! I even went to the beauty parlor, which had all the necessary equipment for cosmetology. After all, I had no other choice. In any case, you should contact a beautician. Indeed, in addition to the most common acne, the skin has many different diseases that can be eliminated only with drug treatment. And which, if timely measures are not taken to eliminate them, can leave irreversible marks on your skin.
First, I received a blood transfusion, which also did not give the desired result. But it helps a lot!
I worked up patience and courage and went again. I passed all the tests and I was prescribed treatment. And I was very surprised – acne began to appear on the skin less! Then I bought the drug “Accutane”, which was treated for 11 weeks, and almost all my problems were left behind! But still, for teenagers who have problems with acne, I advise you to go to the hospital to see a cosmetologist, because they can appear not only because of the skin. Maybe something is wrong inside the body!
Constant flaking, acne, acne, redness – all these factors bother the skin! The skin requires daily care and cleansing. Washing at least 2 times a day with a special cleansing agent, which so as not to dry the skin too much! Use a face mask 2-3 times a week! You can go to a beauty salon, where the specialist himself will cleanse the girl’s face, or at least give the necessary advice! In no case should you squeeze acne yourself – this will only increase their appearance! Malnutrition can also be the cause of problem skin. The diet should be less starchy and sweet! Although keeping them from eating sweets and cakes at this age – still girls, but already almost girls – is almost impossible.
Modern methods of acne treatment
Modern treatments Acne (acne disease) is the most common reason for visiting a beautician, especially in adolescence. Probably, there is no person on earth who has never encountered this problem.
The severity varies from the appearance of single pimples in adolescence, to a continuously recurring process with damage to the deep layers of the skin and the formation of rough scars. The genetic predisposition of the skin to acne has been proven. In the pathogenesis of this disease, the leading role is played by neuro-endocrine disorders, leading to the development of seborrhea and the formation of acne. First of all, this is an increase in the level of androgens in the blood, primary hypothalamic pathology is possible (with encephalitis, Parkinson’s disease, diencephalic disorders, pronounced seborrhea is observed).
The provoking factors are: immunodeficiency; eating spicy, salty, sweet foods; non-compliance with hygiene standards; hypovitaminosis. Acne forms on the area’s most prone to seborrhea – the upper back and chest, face. As a rule, the production of defective sebum with reduced bactericidal properties increases, the activity of the saprophytic flora increases. Sebaceous plugs (comedones) are formed, at the base of which inflammatory nodules appear, which then transform into pustules of various depths and sizes. This is how papular, pustular and phlegmonous acne are formed.
Sometimes the process begins with deep layers of the skin with the formation of soft hemispherical nodes of a bluish-red color (acne conglobata), after which bluish-pink spots or scars remain on the skin. Despite the skin manifestations of this disease, taking into account the internal pathogenetic changes in the body, one cannot be limited only to local treatment of acne.
The modern approach to treatment includes:
- Daily routine (adequate sleep, walks, sports).
- Diet, with restriction of flour, sweet, spicy, smoked meats. The use of fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, fresh juices, fish, legumes, dairy products is recommended.
- Herbal medicine. Decoctions and herbal infusions can be used both locally and internally.
- Medication: antibacterial drugs and antibiotics, vitamins (especially A, C, E, B6), immunostimulants, retinoids, Accutane (isotretinoin).
- In women – the appointment of oral contraceptives, which eliminate the main pathogenetic factor – hyperandrogenism.
- Local treatment, which includes not only various lotions, creams and masks, but also physiotherapeutic methods of influence, mesotherapy.
Autohemotherapy. A modern method of treating pustular skin diseases, in which the patient is injected into his own blood according to a certain scheme. The mechanism of action is not completely clear. Theories of autoimmunization and homeopathic effects of this procedure seem more likely. A contraindication is the presence of nephritis. Let us dwell in more detail on local therapy for acne. In recent years, there has been a real breakthrough in the treatment of skin diseases with physiotherapy.
Darsonvalization is widely used about acne – exposure to the affected area with an alternating impulse current of high frequency, high voltage and low force. The method allows you to reduce swelling and inflammation of the affected area of the skin; normalize the function of the sebaceous glands; there is a stimulation of local immunity and antibacterial effects, due to the ozone generated under the influence of the current. Cryotherapy, which can be general or local. With local cryotherapy, destruction of the affected tissues or stimulation of local blood flow after exposure to cold is possible, the death of microorganisms also occurs, edema and inflammation are significantly reduced. There are various techniques that allow the doctor to choose the effect required in each specific case. The method is successfully applied in any, especially in severe and widespread forms of the disease.
Peeling – removal of the upper layers of the epidermis with various acids, it can be superficial and deep, depending on the drug used. Allows you to even out the relief of the skin, reduce or remove comedones and cicatricial changes. You cannot use this method with inflamed skin. After peeling, it is necessary to avoid exposure to sunlight, tanning beds due to the risk of age spots.
Mesotherapy is the introduction of various drugs or their “cocktails” under the skin in the affected area. Due to the targeted action of drugs, it allows to reduce the number of drugs used inside, avoid long-term use of antibiotics, and normalize the function of the sebaceous glands. Carrying out procedures is possible only with qualified personnel. After the procedure, it is necessary to avoid baths, saunas, solariums for 24 hours.
All physiotherapy procedures have common contraindications:
- pregnancy;
- oncological diseases;
- alcoholism and drug addiction;
- severe liver and kidney disease;
- cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation
- blood clotting disorders;
- individual intolerance.
Acne and pills
The cause of acne (acne) is the clogging of the hair follicles of the skin with sebaceous glands and keratinized skin cells. Acne most commonly occurs on the face, back, forearms and chest. Men are more susceptible to this disease.
- Blackheads can be black, brown or white.
- Black and brown spots (open comedones) – clogged and enlarged pores.
- White spots (closed comedones) – clogged pores with a small hole.
- Pustules are bumps that form when bacteria multiply inside a comedone.
- Cysts are deep, pus-filled cavities.
Are acne and Acne pills always needed?
For mild acne, only careful care is required. If the situation does not improve after 6-8 weeks, you can use over-the-counter medications in the form of lotions, creams, and gels. They necessarily include benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, azelaic acid, sulfur and salicylic acid.
It is necessary to apply these products to the skin every day. As a supplement, you can use masks that remove excess fat. If these remedies are ineffective, you should consult a doctor.
What pills for acne and acne can a doctor prescribe
The doctor can prescribe one of three types of medications: systemic antibiotics; hormones and antiandrogens; Accutane (isotretinoin).
The choice of the drug depends entirely on the severity of the disease, the general condition of the body and what measures have already been taken.
Most often, doctors prescribe antibiotics from the tetracycline or macrolide group. The former are more common, in particular, doxycycline, and minocycline abroad. They reduce inflammation and reduce bacterial growth. Acne and acne pills must be taken over a period of several months.
Hormonal drugs are only used to treat acne in women. They increase the concentration of proteins that bind testosterone, decreasing the activity of the sebaceous glands. These are hormonal contraceptives, spironolactone, ethinyl estradiol and cyproterone acetate. These drugs are taken according to a menstrual cycle.
Buy Isotretinoin (Accutane) – for use in severe acne. It slows down the growth of skin cells and sebaceous glands, preventing clogging of pores.
All pills for acne and acne are allowed to be taken only as directed by a doctor. Before using them, you must undergo an examination. Do not violate the frequency and dose indicated by your doctor. It is forbidden to use during pregnancy and during lactation or transfer to others for self-medication.
Side Effect
Dry lips and mouth, minor swelling of the eyelids or lips, crusty skin, nosebleeds, upset stomach, or thinning of hair may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.
To relieve dry mouth, suck on (sugarless) hard candy or ice chips, chew (sugarless) gum, drink water, or use a saliva substitute.
Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects.