Kanji Concentration

Test your powers of memory and learn some basic Japanese kanji characters at the same time. This is the standard concentration game: click on a square and you will see a kanji character. Try to find the matching character. After you click a second square, if they don't match they will be turned over.

When you finish, you will be told how long it took to complete the game. For those of you who don't read Japanese at all, explanations of the characters are given below.

The kanji used in this game are explained briefly below.

(note: many kanji have different readings, depending on their use. Those in bold are 'on' readings and where there is a commonly used 'kun' reading, it is given in brackets. I haven't bothered with any standard system for the romanization of Japanese words - this is not meant as an exhaustive explanation, it's just for fun!)

dai; meaning: big, great
eg. daigaku = university

ka (ie); meaning: home, house
eg. kazoku = family

bi; meaning: beauty
eg. bijin = beautiful woman

u (ame); meaning: rain
eg. tsuyu = rainy season

nichi (hi); meaning: sun, day
eg. nippon = Japan

ka (hana); meaning: flower
eg. kabin = vase

hon (moto); meaning: book, origin
eg. Roppongi = place name

sen (kawa); meaning: river
eg. Kawaguchi = family name

ai; meaning: love
eg. renai = love

rin (hayashi) meaning: a wood
eg. Kobayashi = family name

mu (nai); meaning: nothing, not
eg. muri = unreasonable

den (ta); meaning: rice field
eg. Honda = family name

moku (ki); meaning: tree, wood
eg. mokuyobi = Thursday

go; meaning: five
eg. goji = 5 o'clock

sui (mizu); meaning: water
eg. suiyobi = Wednesday

kyuu; meaning: nine
eg. Kyuushu = place name

gaku; meaning: study
eg. daigaku = university

jin (hito); meaning: person
eg. nihonjin = a Japanese